Event: 2024 Brush Painting Class
Event: 2019 Sam's Cafe Fundraising
Event: 2019 Pancake Breakfast Fundraising
Event: Pancake Breakfast Fundraising For Our Roof
Event: Happy New Year Gong Xi Gong Xi
“Gong Xi Gong Xi’ is arguably the most popular New Year song for Chinese all over the world. In December 2016, dance instructor Kristen Rinaker introduced the music for Jene Wah seniors to dance to. Unable to get the music scores and lyrics in time for New Year 2017, Teresa Chen finally caught up before Chinese New Year. Below is the song “Gong Xi Gong Xi” by Ge-Xin Chen written in 1945 to celebrate the end of WWII.
中秋 悲歡離合-纪念陳愛蓉女士
宋神宗熙寧九年(公元1076年) 大文豪蘇東坡填下了傳誦千古的水調歌頭,把人世間的悲歡離合融入情與景,帶出深刻的哲理和高逸的境界,是中秋節不可多得的佳作。
Event: Let’s Celebrate – Not Many People Live to Be 100
On August 5, 2016, Sau Fung Lau was promoted to be a centurion. Her son Ken, daughter-in-law Margaret, grandson Adam, as well as a nephew Allen, his wife Teresa, a niece Debbie and her husband Arthur Wong celebrated her 100th birthday at Jene Wah. Wendy, with the help of many volunteers, decorated the hall beautifully.
Caption: 孫兒劉從東岸來參加妹妹的婚禮及嫲嫲的百歲生日,接受紀事報記者訪問時,他打趣說,嫲嫲的頭髮比他父子倆加起來的還多。
Young Volunteers 年青的義工
Young violinist Elyza Yim, granddaughter of Thelma Yim became a volunteer for Jene Wah Sing this summer. She accompanied the senior singers with her violin and helped them successfully manage the difficult art song The Moon Represents My Heart. Elyza will be a junior at St. Mary’s High School this Fall.
Event: Senior Health Care Educational Seminar
屆時聖華堅縣政府耆英局 HICAP (健康保險諮詢計劃) 的負責人戴安娜‧鮑華爾女士亦將到會解答一些福利及費用等問題。
Event: Happy 90th Birthday – Welcome to the Ranks of Nonagenarians 生日快樂
Mrs. WaiHeung Suen 孫唯香turned ninety on July 12, 2016. Her son Dr. Joseph Wong, with the efficient help of Wendy Lehner, celebrated her birthday at Jene Wah, complete with balloons, colorful table setting, birthday bun and delicious food. Jene Wah Sing members congratulated her with songs, flowers, and card. Everyone had a great time.
So far, Jene Wah Senior Citizen Center boasts eleven nonagenarians as shown in the picture below (Seated front row (L to R): Kim Mah (92), Wen Bing Yu (92), Shao Fong Lau (99), Yuen Chin Lee (95), Thelma Yim (96), and Wen Yuan (90);
Standing back row (L to R): Hoi Tong Ngai (90), Jin Zhong Chen (90), Wai Heung Suen (90), Yuet Ngor Chan (91), and Po Wang Tam (90).
Event: Selling Zongzi for Jene Wah’s Building Repairs
$2.50 for a zongzi (Chinese tamale) may not seem much to offset the
projected expenses to fix the lighting, the toilet, and the roof of Jene Wah’s building, but
it works. The collective energy put in by both the young and the elderly for the repair
project is tremendous. Together they planned the purchase of materials, laid out the zongzi
making procedure, and organized the volunteer workers. In one day, they have transformed 250
pounds of glutinous rice, 30 pounds of peanuts, 17.5 pounds of mung beans, Chinese sausage,
salted pork and egg yolk into nine hundred (900) zongzi ready for distribution on or before
June 9, which is Duanwu (the fifth day of the fifth moon by the lunar calendar) this year...
Event: Father’S Day and Mother’S Day at Jene Wah
Even though Mother’s Day was an immediate success when proclaimed in
W. Virginia in 1908, subsequent proposals to recognize a Father’s Day did not meet with
similar enthusiasm. Rather, it was opposed because of commercialism. It wasn’t until 1972
when President Richard Nixon officially proclaimed the third Sunday of June to be Father’s
Day in the US...
父親節 ─ 慶祝與懷念
Before lunch on Friday, June 17, Jene Wah seniors celebrated the memory of their fathers with
a one-hour song and music program. Jene Wah Sing 振华声members started with singing qiu liu
秋柳,with beautiful Chinese lyrics set to the music of the Christian hymn
“The Sweet By-and-By.” As most of us seniors have lost our fathers, the song
threw us into a pensive mood...
Event: Volunteers Worked Wonders
As Jene Wah, Inc. provides more service than funded for, many of Jene Wah’s activities are fueled by donations and volunteers. Jene Wah’s working board of directors, as a prime example, consists of all volunteers. Instructors of English language class, citizenship class, exercise, music, and dance classes are all unpaid volunteers.
Recently, Jene Wah tries to raise funds to repair the roof. Once again, volunteers stepped in to help.
As reported earlier, volunteers made well over a thousand zongzi. The sale nets $1,750. Seriously speaking, the profit came from the many hours of work donated by many people.
On Mother’s Day, Jene Wah Sing members and friends raised $749 in a two-hour sing-a-thon. Then, on Father’s Day, $164 was added to the pot with Xin Cai Tan’s impromptu singing of Cantonese opera.
Thank you all.
參與母親節唱歌籌款得 $749,義工芳名如下:
父親節本來沒有打算唱歌籌款,只是在午飯前作比較肅穆的懷念和追思。但因譚黃美秀臨時動議讓在場各人每人贊助一元請譚周新彩唱一段粵曲,募得 $164善款。